Northeast Massachusetts (August 30 - Sept 3rd)

Rockport, MA

A day trip to Rockport, MA (from Salisbury) was just what we needed.  The weather was perfect and we were able to park "black beauty" and ride the trolley to avoid the traffic.  Rockport, located at the tip of the Cape Ann Peninsula, is surrounded on three sides by the Atlantic ocean.  It's a beautiful little place, with lots of cute little shops, sea-side cafe's, and great photo ops.   [see more pics of Rockport]

The day before we had ventured out to Salem - a venue that we were so looking forward to because of it's history.  (In case you haven't figured it out yet, we both love history).

Salem Witch History Museum

Sad to say, but we did not enjoy Salem at all.  Besides being extremely congested, it was very commercialized.  Don't get me wrong, the information we gained regaining the history was interesting, but it did not take too long before we were tired and ready to head back to Salisbury where we were camped.  (Grant it, the fact that I tripped on the uneven pavement and majorly bruised and skinned both knees didn't help the situation.  So, sorry to say, we did not get that many pictures.)

While in Rockport, we were able to visit a unquie little "paper house" museum.  The house was started in 1922 by a Swedish immigrant named Ellis Stenman.  The building of the house, which was used as a summer retreat, was a 20 year project.  There is a traditional wood frame and roof, but the wall material and interior lining of the roof are paper (with varnish covering).  Approximately 100,000 copies of newspapers were used in the construction of the house and furniture.

Paper House Museum - Rockport, MA
The house has some very interesting paper furniture.   There is a cot containing papers saved since the First World War; a radio cabinet made in 1928 during Hoover's campaign; a writing desk made of Lindberg's flights; a bookshelf made of newspapers from foreign countries; and a grandfather's clock, made of newspapers from the capital cities of the then 48 states.  You truly have to see it to believe it.  [see more pics]

On Sunday, we attended church in Seabrook, NH which was a few miles down the road.   Once again, we were blessed and enjoyed meeting & worshipping with other Christ-followers from different areas across the country.

Seabrook, MA Church of Christ

This leg of our trip was short, (labor day weekend), and soon we were packed up and headed toward Cape Cod.   I think we both breathed a sigh of relief, as to be honest we were not overly fond of Northeast, MA.  Mainly because it was crowded, and everyone seemed to be in a rush.  The roads & traffic patterns in MA are also strange/hectic.   (Sorry my Massachusetts friends).

But... I have a feeling that the venues in Cape Cod will change all that.
