Wells Beach, Maine

We loved Wells Beach, Maine for many reasons.  Since we stayed in this area for two weeks, we were able to meet many people/neighbors from various places (Montreal, Quebec, New York, Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut).   So many great conversations, (and travel tips), from each of them.

Campground conversations are the best...as you can be sitting out enjoying the scenery and a neighbor comes along and sits down to have a long conversation with you.   Besides sharing travelling tips - it seems each party loves listening to the different regional accents of the other ("Lobstah", "Oystah", "Bah Habah"...LOL).  The one thing that all our neighbors had in common was that they have all been coming to Wells Beach for a decade or more, that's how much they loved this area of Maine.

In addition to our neighbors within the campground, we met many wonderful people on the trolleys and within each of the nearby towns.

Our favorite part of Wells is that it is so centrally located and ideal for bike riding.  In fact, our mode of transportation between the various sea-side villages was biking.  (Early on, we rode the trolleys to get our bearings - but quickly adapted to the local custom of bike riding, which was prevalent).  We even rode our bikes to the grocery store and to a local chili cook-off/and vendor fair at a nearby high school.

We walked "Marginal Way" in nearby Perkin's Cove & ate lunch at a wonderful sea side restaurant.  We visited the wealthy area of Kennebunkport and had a sun-set dinner on the balcony of the Colony Inn.   We strolled along Wells Beach at moon rise; and rode bikes to the quaint little village of Cape Porpoise.

Kennebunk & Kennebunkport are beautifully decorated shopping villages.   Of course Kennebunkport is also the home of President Bush 41 & 43.  The home was passed down through the ages to the Bush family through HW's mother, Dorothy Walker Bush.   The town's people spoke highly of both families - and all that they have done for the local community since their presidencies.   Both were in residence during our visit.

The last day of our stay in Wells, we were fortunate to meet up with dear friends, Harold & Michele Bell, from our Wooddale/Ross Church family.  These are some of the most cherished memories of our travels.  Michele is actually from Maine,  and we were able to meet her cousins from New Hampshire - which of course, is where we are headed next.

New Hampshire - - just down the road, but a MUST see on our list of Northeastern states.   Stay tuned as we add this great state to our NE travel map next.   (See add'l pics of our Wells adventures)
