Tearing Down Fences

Keith and I realize that we can’t move forward in sharing this next journey of our lives without first stopping and sharing with each of you the wonderful story of how we got here.

To begin with, we are just your typical couple who have had our share of trials & struggles in this everyday life.   Although now in hindsight, when we stop and look back on our lives, we can see something so much more powerful was at work – the hand of God.  Without a doubt, even in the very midst of those struggles, we know He was guiding and directing us along the paths that we have taken.  This is our story…

Keith and I met and fell in love in high school.   We came from such different backgrounds that many felt that we would not make it through the struggles of marriage.   And, I won’t lie – there were times of difficult struggles.   Looking back though I can say with complete confidence that God handpicked us for each other – and broke down all barriers and obstacles.   I say that not only because he is my best friend and we love each other immensely, (most of you have seen the deep love we have for each other for these past 44 years) - but also because we have grown to share a passionate love for God and His kingdom.   The two of us strengthen each other in this call, which, I believe, is the very reason He brought us together. 

Keith was called to ministry early in our marriage, while God blessed me with a fruitful career at the bank.   Starting right out of high school, I was able to move up the ladder, which provided not only for our family but also to our extended family and others when needed.     We can definitely look back and see how just at the right time, God would bless us monetarily, not for ourselves, but for sharing those provisions in numerous ways.  This was the beginning of the teamwork He was calling us to for His Kingdom work.

Oddly, more noteworthy are the times where career advancement opportunities for me seemed like sure deals - only to mysteriously disappear after much time spent in prayer. Looking back on those times, even with the disappointments that followed, we can truly, truly say that we are so thankful that God had other plans.  (Isn’t it amazing how He knows exactly what will satisfy our heart’s desires even so much better than we do?)

Author Beth Moore articulates it this way:  "If you’ve walked with God very long, I have very little doubt He has used what you perceived as a very negative means to achieve a positive result.  I suspect that God has allowed you to experience a fence pushed down painfully in your life to expand His horizon for you.   God is faithful, isn’t He?   Even when He turns the ignition on a holy bulldozer to plow down a confining fence." 

Talk about your confining fences being knocked down!  Within several years we began to discover what we believe was God’s plan to indeed expand our horizons.   It all began to unfold in 2015, shortly after God called both my parents (who had been ill for a number of years) home to Him.

One day, just totally out of the blue, Keith and I decided to purchase an RV for vacation travels.  (Now my dad had always wanted a Winnebago for traveling, so I can’t help feeling he was somehow in God’s ear on how this whole plan should come down J).

We spent a couple of years experiencing the RV lifestyle during vacations, however little did we know that God had other plans besides vacation travels.   Very soon it seemed that every book we read, every speaker we listened to, and every bible class we attended that God was speaking to not just one of us – but both of us about a change in lifestyle ~ and full time ministry (as a team).

So this is where our journey leads us… we can’t wait to see what God has in store for the years to follow (no matter how short or how long those years may be).  We hope you will join us on this adventure.

This Week’s Recommendations:

Book:  A Trip Around the Sun (Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure of a Lifetime) by Mark Batterson and Richard Foth.  Caution!   This book is one of the first that led us to the RV lifestyle J

Song:  Stillby Hillary Scott.  (If you haven't heard this one – it’s a must!).

Scripture: Hebrews 13:14-16

Picture Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yMuCoZHenXr7n9BC2  (Pics of our New Mexico trip in Feb 2017).
